Use What God Put On The Inside Of You


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Good Morning!

The Father Himself loves YOU (John 16:27)! As we covered yesterday, God loves you as much as He loves Jesus. God really loves you and He wants you to live fear free. As we grow in experiential knowledge of His love for us, fear loses its hold in our lives. The more we meditate, understand, and grow in God’s love, the more fear is flushed out of our lives. Fear will keep us from experiencing the life that God has for us. Living in fear will cause our lights to be dim. 2024 will be a year of light. In order to be an effective light for Jesus, you need to live free of fear and let the understanding of God’s love transform your life.

“Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.”

Romans 5:5 NKJV

When you made Jesus the Lord of your life, God poured His love into your heart. Whatever God has spiritually given you needs to be acknowledged by the words of your mouth. Years ago, when I began meditating on God’s love, I began to focus on this verse. I began to ponder on the truth that the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Love Himself, poured His love in my heart. According to Galatians 5:6, that love fuels my faith and according to 1st John 4:18 that love evicts fear from my life. In my personal time of confessing God’s Word, I began to say those spiritual truths. Why? Spiritual truth and realities are activated by the words of your mouth. To use KJV phraseology, I am “acknowledging” what God has done in me.

As I continued down this path of acknowledgement, I also began to say, “The love of God has been poured into my heart by the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Love. That love saturates every cell of my being to the point that people can sense the love of God just by being in my presence.” As I said this, I saw it come to pass. People would come up to me and say that they could sense God’s love whenever I was around. What led to this? I began acknowledging what God had put on the inside of me. Acknowledging God’s love in you will be key to the victories you experience in 2024. Acknowledge God’s love in you by daily saying the following, “The love of God has been poured into my heart by the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Love. That love saturates every cell of my being to the point that people can sense the love of God just by being in my presence. That love fuels my faith and evicts fear from my life. God loves me as much as He loves Jesus. I believe His love.”

In today’s podcast devotional, I share how you will do amazing things in 2024. You really need to hear today’s podcast. Take a few minutes and stream it today. On Wednesday, I shared “Twelve Questions You Need To Ask Yourself Before 2023 Ends.” I believe that message will help you accurately set your goals for 2024. Stream the message and keep working on your goals for the new year.

We are praying over goals for 2024 during our New Year’s Eve Experiences. If you’re joining us in person, bring a copy of your goals to place at the altar. If you are joining us online, reply to this email with your goals. We’ll print out your email and place them at the altar for you. Have an amazing day!

Do you know someone who needs to read today’s email? Please forward this to them so that they can be encouraged by God’s wonderful love for them. Have an amazing day!

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