You Need To Know This About 2024

Good Morning!

Today, I want to share with you what I feel strongly in my heart concerning 2024. I believe that it is vital that you prepare for the upcoming year and do everything that you can do to get in place before the year begins.

Over the past two months, I have been sharing with the Faith Family the things that I’ve been sensing concerning 2024. A couple of Sundays ago, the Holy Spirit gave us further insight into the coming year and I want to share a portion of that message with you today.

 2024 is a year of light. There are coming uncomfortable exposures to the church of the Lord Jesus Christ and to the United States of America.

My advice to you is examine yourself. Get yourself right and prepared so that the uncomfortable exposures or the day of visitation does not hit your house in a negative sense. But for all those who examine themselves and make a decision to walk in the light as He is in the light, it will be a year of promotion and exaltation.

This year 2024 will serve like a year of the door. It will open to you things that you were always supposed to walk into. In an accelerated way. It will be for you a positive year of the door if you do what He tells you to do. But for those who refuse and choose to walk in the ways of the flesh and walk in fear and doubt and follow the ways of the world, it will be a year of the door as well. But a door of where Hell will manifest in their lives in unprecedented ways. Where spirits of fear and panic and dread will drive them and lead them. Where men’s hearts will fail them for fear because what they see coming on the earth. But all who choose to walk in the light, who walk by faith, who walk in love, who follow the Spirit, and forgive everyone of everything, it will be a year of a door that opens to you things you’ve been believing for. And takes you to higher heights, higher places, and promotions that you never even thought were possible.

“There are things I have prepared for you,” says the Lord. “Things that you have been dreaming about. Things you never even thought to ask for. Things that I’ve prepared that you didn’t even know that were available. But if you do what I’m telling you to do, and you get yourself ready the way I told you to get ready, you’ll walk into it and you’ll get there and you’ll be so amazed. And you’ll be so grateful that you spent that time in prayer. To examine yourself and prepare yourself for 2024. The year of the door. The year of light. For all those who walk by faith and not by sight, it will be a wonderful year full of the majesty of God. Full of the manifestation of the glory of God.”

Do you hear what the Spirit of God is telling you? Do you hear what He’s telling you to do to get ready? There are things that are popping up right now to get you distracted so that you don’t walk into it. Don’t be distracted. What God said will come to pass even if it doesn’t look like the way you thought. You pray for something and it shows up but it just doesn’t look like you that it would. That’s okay. Because what God said will come to pass. And if God gives you something that looks different but it’s better, why complain? Trust Him. The days we’re walking into, God needs you to be in place.

Wow! I hope that word awakens you and encourages you like it is awakening and encouraging me. God has plans for each and everyone of us; we must prepare to walk in them. There is such urgency in my heart to encourage you to get into your God assigned place before 2024 gets here. Make sure that you daily pray the Ephesians 1 prayer, examine your heart and your life, take steps forward in fulfilling God’s call on your life, and make sure you forgive everybody of everything. If you want to watch the full experience where this word and prophecy was shared, you can do so by clicking this link.

In today’s Faith in the Morning, we share how the Ephesians 1 prayer helps you to know God better. Did you know that God wants you to know Him better? Take 4 minutes and stream' today’s devotional and find out more. 

We are praying for you! If you have a specific request, reply to this email and the team and I will pray for your request specifically. We love you! Have a wonderful day!