Faith For 2024

Good Morning!

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas! We are less than one week away from 2024. I believe that 2024 has amazing promise and potential for you in the midst of the problems that are in the world. As I have shared in previous emails (if you missed it, read it here), 2024 will be a year of light.

This year of light will function as a door for you. There will be plenty of doors and opportunities for you to step into what God has called you to do. These things do not just happen automatically; it takes your faith, obedience, and natural effort.

As I share in today’s podcast devotional (stream it here), it’s important to remove self-imposed limits on your life. As we cover in the podcast, the children of Israel limited God. Are you limiting Him in your life? God is more than able to take you beyond those limitations. Will you let Him?

Today, I want to remind you that your God is the Almighty God. Don’t discount His power. Remember what He asked Abraham and Sarah, “Is there anything too hard for the Lord?” (Gen. 18:14) It is not too hard for the Lord to give you victory in the area that has been your biggest struggle. Today, write down the areas you have been struggling in and certain areas where it has been a hard for you to trust God in. Look at that list and say, “This isn’t too hard for God. God, I trust you. Help me increase my faith in these areas. I believe I will see your miraculous power in my life. Nothing is too hard for the Lord.”

We are praying over goals for 2024 during our New Year’s Eve Experiences. If you’re joining us in person, bring a copy of your goals to place at the altar. If you are joining us online, reply to this email with your goals. We’ll print out your email and place them at the altar for you. Have an amazing day!