Your True Identity


For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.

1 John 5:4

Good Morning!

When you received Jesus as your Lord and Savior, something tremendous happened on the inside of you. Your spirit underwent a powerful transformation that immediately changed your status to "World Overcomer" or "World Conqueror."

It doesn’t matter how the world classified you before you were born again. People may say that you should be limited and held back because of who you are, where you are from, or your background. The world may label you and consider you as disadvantaged, but their labels and limits do not have to be your reality. You are a World Conqueror. That is your true identity!

When this Scripture speaks of the "world", it is not talking about this physical planet or its people; the Scripture is referring to the systems of this world, every evil spirit that seeks to manipulate it, and any challenge you would face in your life as a result of it. You were born again to win!

“Since the "Greater One" (1 John 4:4) moved on the inside of you, you have been made greater than any problem or circumstance that would ever come your way! Cheer up Believer! You have overcome the world and the way you enforce your victory is through your faith. The Message version of the above Scripture reads this way, "The conquering power that brings the world to its knees is our faith."

Whatever area you are challenged in today, you are promised victory in the Word of God! Your problem has to fall, your circumstance has to change, because all things are possible with God and to them that believe Him.

Say this with me today, “I have world conquering faith. There is no problem in my life that my faith cannot handle. I believe God and all things are possible with Him and for those that believe Him. I believe God, so all things are possible for me.”

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Don’t forget to read through the Books of Judges, Ruth, and 1st Samuel this month! Today, read Judges 17. I taught a series on the Book of Judges and Ruth. To listen to the series, click here.

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