A Quick Word To Start Your Day 🌸

Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.

Phil 4:6 NLT

Good Morning,

God loves you so much! The Lord tells you not to worry because He loves you. When you are worrying, you are hurting yourself and your faith. When you are worrying, your faith is not working. Worrying will not change your situation. It will just make you worse.

You don’t have to worry. You can live by faith. Ask yourself, “Did I do what God asked me to do?” If you did what He told you to do, then you did your part. That’s faith. Now say, “Lord, I trust you.” God sees things you cannot see. Trust Him. When you trust God, you will always find yourself on the victorious side.

Make sure you take a few minutes to stream today’s Faith in the Morning podcast devotional. Tonight, Pastor Kerrick is continuing our Midweek Bible Study on the peace of God. The Midweek Bible Study Live Stream begins at 7:30 PM EST. We love you so much! Have an amazing day!

Don’t Miss This! đźŚ¸ 

Here’s what book of the Bible we’re reading: Today, we are finishing the Book of Proverbs. Join us today by reading Proverbs 31. Tomorrow, we begin reading through the Book of Acts.

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