The Lord Is Among Them That Help Me


The LORD is on my side, He is among those who help me; Therefore I will look [in triumph] on those who hate me.

Psalm 118:7 (AMP)

Good Morning!

God loves you, He favors you, and He has help for you today. Do you have it? What’s “it?” It’s connected to my message this Sunday. This Sunday, I’m beginning a brand new series at Faith Christian Center as we celebrate Palm Sunday. You won’t want to miss this series. The series is simply called “ X “ . I would love to see you there in-person. If you can’t make it in-person, be sure to join us online.

One of the way God shows you His favor is by bringing you help. The featured verse in today’s newsletter has been stirring in my heart over the last few weeks. Over the last few days, I’ve been meditating on and personalizing this verse.

In personalizing this verse, I’ve been saying, “The Lord is among those that help me.” In the midst of this personalization, I’ve seen God’s favor manifest in my life with people (mostly strangers) going way out there way to help me in significant ways. Some of the help that I’ve received made me even ponder if I was being helped by a human or an angelic being. As Hebrews 13:2 teaches, sometimes we are unawaringly in the presence of angels.

I want to encourage you to personalize this verse. Say it through out the day. Expect God’s help and favor to show up in your life. As I shared yesterday, in expecting and receiving God’s help, you cannot talk against it. You cannot keep saying things like “I have to do everything myself.” and “No one ever helps me.” Expect God’s help and talk like you know He’s helping you.

We are in this journey of better understanding favor together.  The help God brings our way this week will help us further our understanding. As we grow in understanding and application, I know we will see the marvelous results of God’s favor in our lives. Pray this prayer with me today, “Father, thank you for your favor and your help. I believe your favor surrounds me as a force field. I ask for greater levels of you favor to manifest in my life. I ask for your help, today. Lord, help us grow in understanding of your favor so that we can live in the upward cycle of favor. I ask that you show us how we all can be wise stewards of your favor. Your favor makes the difference in our lives. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Thank you for starting your day with Faith in the Morning. We love you and are praying for you. Have a miraculous day!

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Don’t forget to read through the Book of Matthew with us this month!

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