What Would Your Life Look Like If...

Good Morning!

Let’s take another look at Ephesians 1:17. As you heard me share before, the Ephesians 1 prayer is an important prayer for you to pray daily!

“That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him:” Ephesians 1:17

This prayer is not concerning general wisdom or revelation, but wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him.  Knowledge, as it is defined for this Scripture, is recognition and full discernment.  It is being fully able to grasp and comprehend what is obscure.  The Amplified Classic Edition renders this part of the verse as “deep and intimate knowledge of Him.”  The Message version translates this part of the verse as “to make you intelligent and discerning in knowing Him personally.”  

This knowledge is not knowledge that is gained by only studying, but a knowledge that also comes from an intimate relationship of knowing someone personally.  The Apostle is praying that the Believer will have full disclosure and be able to grasp and perceive the intimate knowing of God personally and will be able to correctly apply that knowledge.  The fact that this intimate knowing and accurate application of the knowing is simply a marvelous testament of God’s kindness toward us.  The knowing and its accurate application also produces wonderful results in the life of the Believer.

The Apostle Peter says in 2nd Peter 1:2 that grace and peace are multiplied to the Believer “through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.”  One of the tremendous results of this Ephesians 1 prayer is that the Believer would have grace and peace multiplied in their everyday life.  What would your life look like if grace and peace were multiplied in your life?

Every Believer can benefit greatly from an overflowing amount of grace and peace! Grace is God’s power, favor, influence, and ability. Peace is wholeness, safety, security, prosperity, tranquility, harmony, and the peace that comes from being whole. What would your life look like if grace and peace were multiplied to you? Can you picture it? That’s what God wants you to experience every single day! Don’t forget to watch today’s Faith in the Morning devotional. Have a great day!