Let's End This Year Together!


Good Morning!

It’s the last day of the year. I’m excited for today’s Experiences and for what the new year holds. Whether this year has been amazing or horrible for you, I encourage you to leave it in the past and press forward to a far brighter future.

I would love for you to join us for our Faith Experiences today. Let’s end this year together! At both of our 10am and 10pm Faith Experiences, we will take time to pray over our goals for 2024 as a faith family. If you’re joining us in person, bring a copy of your goals to place at the altar. If you are joining us online, reply to this email with your goals. We’ll print out your email and place them at the altar for you. My notes for the messages of both Experiences can be found here. 

In an effort to improve our newsletter, I created a survey. We want to know more about you. Can you take three minutes and fill out this survey for me if you haven’t already? I would greatly appreciate it! See you soon!