This Is Going To Be A Great Week For You!


Good Morning!

This is going to be a great week for you. God is good and He has good plans for your life. As you start this week, I want to remind you that believing in the goodness of God is your key to supernatural strength and endurance.

I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.

Psalm 27:13 KJV

The Psalmist declared that he would have fainted and given up if he didn’t believe that he would see God’s goodness in his life. He truly believed that God’s goodness would show up in his life. You must believe the same. Believing that you will personally see God’s goodness will strengthen you and fill you with hope. This is why in every podcast devotional, I lead you in a faith confession and affirmation that emphasizes God’s goodness showing up in your life. If you believe you will personally see God’s goodness, you know that every adverse situation you face will turn for your good.

What you are facing this week is not too hard for you. You can handle it because God is good, He’s with you, and He will manifest His goodness in your life. The challenge that you are confronting is not the end of your story. Have faith that you will see God’s goodness in your life. Remember, goodness and mercy follows you all the days of your life. (Psalm 23:6). God has goodness reserved for you and it shows up in your life because you trust and reverence Him. (Psalm 31:19)

This will be a great week for you. Expect it. Don’t allow challenges to change your expectation. The goodness of God endures continually. (Psalm 52:1) When you face challenges this week, here’s how you reply, “I will see the goodness of God in this area of my life.”

Thank God for the goodness you have experienced, are experiencing, and will experience. As I share in today’s Faith in the Morning podcast devotional, praise is how you skillfully use the handle of faith to transform your life. Listen to today’s Faith in the Morning daily devotional podcast and know that you are going to have a great week.

God has gifted you! Have you discovered your gifts? In future emails, I am going to share about how the gifts God has given you will enable you to be the light of world in very unique way. Each of us has grace gifts that help us fulfill our call. One of the ways God reveals His goodness and light is through your giftings. Do you know your gift? Take this test and discover giftings that God has given you.

Here’s what book of the Bible I’m reading: A new year is a great time to start a new Bible reading plan. Would you read through Proverbs with me this month? There’s 31 chapters. Read a chapter aloud each day this month.

Are you looking for a specific devotional to help you get into the mindset of victory for this year? Check out Victory: A Ten Day Devotional.

Do you know someone who needs to read today’s email? Please forward this to them so that they can be encouraged by God’s wonderful love and goodness for them.

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