God's Not Done With You Yet


being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete [it] until the day of Jesus Christ;

Phil 1:6 (NKJV)

Good Morning!

God’s not done with you yet! He has a plan for your life and it is a good plan. There are seasons of life and situations in this world that may cause us to doubt the good plan God has for our lives. We may feel intimidated because of all of the chaos and the darkness in the world. However, in spite of all of those reasons, we must choose to believe in the goodness of God and believe that His plan for our life will come to pass.

As the Scripture says, God began a good work in you. He didn’t just start a good work for the sake of starting one. He intends to finish what He started in you! Your circumstance and your weakness are not too hard for Him to deal with and work through. Step by step, day by the day, He is bringing His plan to pass in your life. I am confident that He who began a good work in YOU will keep working in you and with you. Don’t give up.

God is not done with you. He wants to take you to the next level in His plan for your life. I share more about this in today’s podcast devotional. You can stream it on YouTube, Apple Podcast, or Spotify.

Pray this prayer with me, “Father, I thank you for loving me and for being with me. Help me to expand my vision and dream big so that I can live the life you have called me to live. I believe that your plan for my life will come to pass. Thank you for being so good to me! In Jesus’ name, amen.”

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Don’t forget to read through the Books of 1st and 2nd Samuel this month! Today, read 1st Samuel 22.

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