God Wants To Show Off In Your Life!


How great is the goodness you have stored up for those who fear you. You lavish it on those who come to you for protection, blessing them before the watching world.

Psalm 31:19 NLT

Good Morning!

It’s the second Friday of 2024 and God wants to show off in your life. God wants to pour out His goodness in your life in a way that everyone around you notices. God’s goodness in your life is evidence to the watching world that God is real, that He is good, and that He is moving today.

Psalm 31 shares that God wants to show off His goodness in a lavish way in the lives of those who fear Him. God doesn’t want you to be afraid of Him. The fear of the Lord is to live in reverential awe of Him. Growing in the fear of the Lord is a process and a lifestyle.

In No Longer Mere Mortals, I share, “Living in the fear of the Lord means continually examining your actions in light of God’s word. As you examine your actions, reverence for God becomes a determining factor in your decision-making process. The lifestyle of reverential awe toward God brings wonderful benefits, such as extended life (see Prov. 10:27) and protection for you and your children (see Prov. 14:26). The fear of the Lord is called a fountain of life (see Prov. 14:27), and it will cause you to live a satisfying life (see Prov. 19:23), protect you from harm (see Prov. 19:23), and bring riches to your life (see Prov. 22:4). Living in reverential awe toward God causes you to experience a superhuman life—a life that is long, satisfying, protected, full of wisdom, and enriched.” This is the life that God wants for you. It’s more amazing than you have imagined.

As you continue down this path, you will have more and more moments where you are standing awestruck at what God is doing in your life. It’s going to take faith to get there. Today, have faith that God is good, that His Word is true, that He will help you do what is right in His sight, and that His plan for your life is good. Keep moving forward. You haven’t see anything yet. Your best days are still ahead of you!

In today’s Faith in the Morning podcast devotional, I share why faith matters so much to God. It brings joy to His heart. Listen to today’s Faith in the Morning daily devotional podcast , grow in faith, and know that something good is going to happen to you today!

Do you have a question or topic that you would like to see covered in Faith in the Morning? Click here and let us know!

God has gifted you! Have you discovered your gifts? In future emails, I am going to share about how the gifts God has given you will enable you to be the light of world in very unique way. Each of us has grace gifts that help us fulfill our call. One of the ways God reveals His goodness and light is through your giftings. Do you know your gift? Take this test and discover giftings that God has given you.

Here’s what book of the Bible I’m reading: A new year is a great time to start a new Bible reading plan. Would you read through Proverbs with me this month? There’s 31 chapters. Read a chapter aloud each day this month.

Have you filled out our New Year survey? We are taking our Faith in the Morning newsletter to the next level this year! We want to hear from you as we move forward. Take two minutes and fill out the survey. Thank you for you for filling out our survey!

Are you looking for a specific devotional to help you get into the mindset of victory for this year? Check out Victory: A Ten Day Devotional.

Do you know someone who needs to read today’s email? Please forward this to them so that they can be encouraged by God’s wonderful love and goodness for them.

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