God Can Cause Your Mistakes To Prosper!


The LORD is on my side, He is among those who help me; Therefore I will look [in triumph] on those who hate me.

Psalm 118:7 (AMP)

Good Morning!

Happy Friday! God loves you, He favors you, and He has help for you today. We all make mistakes. I’m not just referring to sin. Sometimes, we make mistakes. We’re late somewhere. We forget something. We break something. We tried to do something, made an error, and then it didn’t work. The list of examples go on and on. The good news is that God can cause our mistakes to turn for our good and prosper.

Today, make the decision to operate by the wisdom of God and be led by the Spirit of God. If you sin, be quick to repent. If you make a mistake, try to fix it, and ask God to help you fix it. Too many times we become obsessed in our failures and forget the goodness and compassion of God.

Yes, we aim for holiness and excellence in all we do. However, when we make a mistake, forget something, or even sin, we are not to wallow in our errors. We need to get back up again. Why? God is good. He forgives. He has mercy for us and He favors us.

I know this message is for all of us, however I sense as I’m typing this that this message is really hitting home with certain individuals. I’m praying for you! God still has a future for you. God’s favor is greater than your past mistakes. Have more confidence in God’s ability than you do in your failures. God’s got you, He’s helping you, and He will show you His favor today.

Pray this prayer with me, “Father, thank you for taking such great care of me. Help me not to be obsessed with my past, but help me to see your plan and future for my life. Father, thank you for your favor and your help. I believe your favor surrounds me as a force field. I ask for greater levels of you favor to manifest in my life. I ask for your help, today. Lord, help us grow in understanding of your favor so that we can live in the upward cycle of favor. I ask that you show us how we all can be wise stewards of your favor. Your favor makes the difference in our lives. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Thank you for starting your day with Faith in the Morning. We love you and are praying for you. Have a miraculous day!

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