Goals, Goals, Goals

What Are Your Goals?

And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.

Philippians 1:6 NLT

Michigan Family! I will be at Discount Bible this Saturday for a Meet and Greet Book Signing. If you are in the Metro Detroit area, I would love to see you there!

Good Morning!

I hope you have had a wonderful week so far! If you are in Michigan, I would love to see you at Discount Bible this Saturday for a special Christmas Meet and Greet Book signing. My Dad will be playing Christmas carols as I sign copies of my advent devotional Jesus, Son of Rahab. If you’re in the area, I would love to see you there!

What are your goals for 2024? Goals aren’t just supposed to fall out of heaven and hit you on the head. Goals are internal. They are connected to your desires. Faith works best when you know what you want. Sometimes, we don’t set goals because we erroneously believe that we should wait for God to tell us what we want. If you are going to be a Spirit-led, faith person that fulfils their goals, you have to realize that life is supposed to be a partnership between you and God. It is not you waiting on God to tell you what you want. It’s not you setting goals without inquiring of the Spirit of God. It is a partnership. God, your senior partner, wants to hear from you. What did Jesus say in Mark 11:24?

Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.

Mark 11:24 KJV

What do you want? Notice, Jesus said what things you “desire.” Desire indicates want. What do you want? The goals you set are connected to your desires. If you refuse to set goals, it doesn’t mean you are spiritual. If you don’t set goals, you are missing an opportunity for a wonderful partnership between you and the Spirit of God.

2024 will present a number of opportunities for you to fulfill your goals. What will you do with those opportunities? (If you haven’t already, read the previous email I sent about 2024. You can read it here. Also, as I referenced earlier this week, listen to Bro. Savelle’s message concerning 2024. It will encourage you and help you get ready for the new year. You can stream it here.)

During the New Year’s Eve Experiences at Faith Christian Center, we will be praying over your goals for 2024. I would love for you to bring your goals to church for our 10am or 10pm Faith Experience. Keep a copy of your goals for yourself, but also bring a copy that you can place at the altar. If you live outside of Metro Atlanta or will be attending our Online Campus that night, email us your goals at [email protected] . We’ll print out your goals and place them at the altar for you. During the New Year’s Eve Experiences, we will take time to pray over the goals that you submit.

God wants you to have a wonderful life. It’s time for you to set new goals! Do you have trouble setting goals for your life? Do you want help in this area? If so, reply to this email to let me know and I’ll dedicate a few future emails on the subject of the divine partnership and fulfilling your goals.

Make sure you stream today’s Faith in the Morning podcast devotional and pray the Ephesians 1 prayer. Michigan family, I’ll see you tomorrow at Discount Bible Books & Music Store. Have a great day!

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