Your Future Is Calling

Good Morning!

It’s finally December! I love this time of year. This week, I have shared the importance of leaning into where God is moving. You need to lean in because your future is calling! For today’s email, I want to share with you day 1 of the Jesus, Son of Rahab: Restorative Devotional for the Canceled and Disqualified. The heart of this devotional is to help you overcome your past and move into the future God has for you! Read below and enjoy!

The Christmas season is upon us! People are hanging their decorations, ordering holiday flavored drinks at coffee shops, streaming Christmas carol playlists on their smart phones, and rehearsing for Christmas cantatas. As we prepare for the season, have you ever considered that when we tell the real Christmas story, we often only focus on a small portion of the actual story?

Sure, we discuss Mary and Joseph, the magi, the shepherds, the angels, the villainous King Herod, and of course the birth of our wonderful Messiah. Yet, the Christmas story also includes the royal lineage of the Messiah, which is listed in Matthew 1. Not many sermons or carols focus on the lineage of Jesus at Christmas time. However, His lineage contains stories of scandalous relatives, individuals modern society would cancel, and the faithfulness of God.

When we think about all the people God could have chosen to be part of Jesus’ ancestry, we probably think of the most righteous, most pious, and holiest individuals. But when we read the lineage, we discover a different story. God didn’t just choose His superstars; He also chose people like Rahab. These people are relatable; they are a lot like us. They had issues and problems, challenges and shortcomings, just like we do. They made horrible decisions, like some of us have, yet God still included them in the ancestry of Jesus.

If God could use them as part of His plan to bring Jesus to the earth, God can definitely use us to fulfill His plan and purpose. God is an expert at taking messed up lives and marvelously transforming them into miraculous lives. If you will let Him, God will do the same thing for you! Just as Mary and Joseph embarked on their journey to Bethlehem millennia ago, let’s set out together on the journey into your future.

Today’s Application and Prayer

In a notebook or journal, honestly answer the following questions:

1. What would you like your future to look like?

2. What is the main problem from your past that is standing in the way between you and your future?

3. What makes you feel disqualified?

As you answer these questions, pray this prayer: “Father, help me to see the future You have for me. Help me to dream again, to dream bigger, and to clearly see the plan You have for my life. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

Today’s Faith Confession

God has a plan for my life. He is marvelously transforming my life. Something good is going to happen to me today! I expect miracles!

Today’s Scripture Reading: Matthew 1

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