"Fool Proof" Your Life


Good Morning!

I hope you had a wonderful Holy Weekend! As a family, we also celebrated our 8 year old’s birthday and our tenth anniversary of leading Faith Christian Center. It’s been our honor and privilege to pastor Faith Christian Center for the past ten years. God has been faithful. Thank you to all of the Faith family who has gone on this adventure with us. We love you all! We’ve accomplished so much over the last ten years and we are now positioned to do exponentially more. I’ll share more of the wonderful things on the horizon later this week and throughout the month.

This month, I want you to join me in reading through 1st and 2nd Corinthians. Today, read chapter one of 1st Corinthians and keep reading through Paul’s letters to the Corinthians throughout this month.

Before we get in to today’s devotional, I want to share a wonderful opportunity that we were blessed and entrusted with that I first announced last week. As you may know, I have published two books with Harrison House. Other Harrison House authors include Rick Renner, Joseph Z, MiChelle Ferguson, Kylie Gatewood, David Winston, Kellie Copeland, and many other wonderful, talented, and anointed ministers and leaders. Harrison House has granted me the opportunity to share a 15% discount with you! Click this link to see all of the wonderful books available to you now with a 15% discount. Enjoy!

Today, marks a new month. It’s the first day of April and many will post April Fool’s jokes and attempt pranks. While people have various opinions of the antics of today, we can all agree we don’t want the results of foolish behavior in our everyday life. In fact, the Book of Proverbs consistently contrasts the wise and foolish person and describes the rewards and consequences for different lifestyle choices.

Hear instruction and be wise, And do not disdain [it]. Blessed is the man who listens to me, Watching daily at my gates, Waiting at the posts of my doors. For whoever finds me finds life, And obtains favor from the LORD; But he who sins against me wrongs his own soul; All those who hate me love death."

Proverbs 8:33-36 (NKJV)

In the personification of wisdom in Proverbs 8, we learn that the person who pursues wisdom and applies it will obtain favor from God. You can “fool proof” your life and enjoy a life of favor by following the wisdom of God. As you’ll read in 1st Corinthians chapter 1 today, Christ became our wisdom. We have access to all of the wonderful treasures of the wisdom of God.

When you don’t know what to do, you shouldn’t go around saying “I don’t know what to do.” Why? Because wisdom belongs to you! What did James 1 tell us to do when we lack wisdom?

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord;

James 1:5-7 (NKJV)

When we don’t know what to do, we are to ask God in faith for wisdom. How do we do that? As you start your day, ask God for wisdom specifically for all that you normally deal with, expect to deal with, and all the things listed on your calendar. Don’t ask for wisdom in general. Ask God specifically for wisdom for those matters. Be specific in your request.

After you make your specific request, thank God for hearing your prayer and answering your prayer. Also, take time to listen when you finish praying. I love this simple, yet challenging word of wisdom a man of God shared. He said that prayer is not complete until you take time to listen. If you are going to ask God for wisdom, make sure you take time to listen for His leading once you are finished praying.

As you go throughout your day, don’t say “I don’t know what I’m going to do.” If you have to give someone an answer, instead say, “I don’t know yet, but I will very soon.” Expect to hear from God throughout the day. Expect for wisdom to rise in your heart and direct your steps. As you follow the wisdom and leading of God, you will keep your life safe from the results of foolish decisions and experience all the wonderful benefits of His wisdom.

Pray this prayer with me today, “Father, thank you for your wisdom, your favor, and your help. Your wisdom lives big within me. I believe your favor surrounds me as a force field. I ask for greater levels of your favor to manifest in my life. Lord, help us grow in understanding of your favor so that we can live in the upward cycle of favor. I ask that you show us how we all can be wise stewards of your favor. Your favor makes the difference in our lives. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Thank you for starting your day with Faith in the Morning. We love you and are praying for you. Have a miraculous day!

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Don’t forget to read through the Books of 1st and 2nd Corinthians with us this month!

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