You Are A Champion


For everyone born of God is victorious and overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has conquered and overcome the world—our [continuing, persistent] faith [in Jesus the Son of God].

1st John 5:4 AMP

Good Morning!

You are a champion! You were born this way! As soon as you made Jesus the Lord of your life, you were born again a champion. Victory is part of your spiritual DNA. Whatever problem you are facing is destined to lose because you are a champion.

Every challenge and problem that shows up in your life can be defeated by your faith in Jesus. Remember, Romans 8:37 says that you are more than a conqueror through Him that loves you! Don’t see yourself as a victim. Don’t imagine yourself succumbing to a disease. Don’t consider yourself a loser. You’re not going under. You are going over!

God did not bring you this far for you to lose. He has victory planned for you. In today’s Faith in the Morning, I share how we can have faith like Noah. Never forget: faith is how you win in this life. Stream today’s Faith in the Morning and know that something good is going to happen to you today!

In 2021, I preached a seven message series on Victory. (Stream it here.) This series led to the Victory: A Ten Day Devotional. God really does have victory planned for you. Don’t give up now. You are a champion! Have a victorious day!

Don’t Miss This 👇🏾

Here’s a song that’s been ministering to me:  This less than three minute clip by my friend Philip Renner is life giving! Stream it, be encouraged, and enter into worship with him.

Do you have a question or topic that you would like to see covered in Faith in the Morning? Click here and let us know!

God has gifted you! Have you discovered your gifts? In future emails, I am going to share about how the gifts God has given you will enable you to be the light of world in very unique way. Each of us has grace gifts that help us fulfill our call. One of the ways God reveals His goodness and light is through your giftings. Do you know your gift? Take this test and discover giftings that God has given you.

Here’s what book of the Bible I’m reading: A new year is a great time to start a new Bible reading plan. Would you read through Proverbs with me this month? There’s 31 chapters. Read a chapter aloud each day this month.

Have you filled out our New Year survey?  We are taking our Faith in the Morning newsletter to the next level this year! We want to hear from you as we move forward. Take two minutes and fill out the survey. Thank you for you for filling out our survey!

Do you know someone who needs to read today’s email? Please forward this to them so that they can be encouraged by God’s wonderful love and goodness for them.

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