You Are A Billboard Of God's Grace


Good Morning!

Welcome to February! God has amazing things in store for you. This month, I would love for you to read through the Book of Acts with me. Read one chapter a day with a heart open to the leading of the Holy Spirit. I believe as we read through this book our hearts will be stirred to believe for miracles, signs, and wonders in our everyday life.

As I shared previously, miracles, signs, and wonders are an important part of being the light of this world. God desires for your life to be a billboard of His love and goodness. Ephesians 2:7 shares that we are examples of God’s immeasurable grace and kindness.

As we continue to walk with God, our lives will continue to showcase what God can do in a human life submitted to Him. We will be able to exclaim, “Come and see what our God has done, what awesome miracles he performs for people!” (Psalm 66:5 NLT). God is not done with you yet. He has a plan for you, your family, your community, and more. Guess what? His plan is good. It is miraculous, full of His love and power, and gets brighter every single day.

Take another step forward in God’s plan for your life by following the leading of the Holy Spirit in your heart today. Walking into a greater showcase of God’s power is simply a series of steps of obeying the leading of the Holy Spirit. In our podcast devotional today, we are sharing more about the leading of the Holy Spirit. I really like today’s title, “The Cricket Was Right.” What does that have to do with the devotional? Stream now and find out.  😃 

Thank you for starting your day with Faith in the Morning. We love you and are praying for you. Have a miraculous day!

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