Get Ready For Sovereign Surprises!


We will not hide them from their descendants; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, his power, and the wonders he has done.

Psalm 78:4 (NIV)

Good Morning!

Wow! We had a wonderful three days at Faith. What started as one Sunday Experience grew into a three day revival. I’m so grateful for what the Holy Spirit did among us over these last few days. If you missed any of these Faith Experiences, you can re-stream them on our Awaken Your Faith YouTube page.

As of this Spring, the Faith in the Morning podcast devotional has been streaming for four years. In just a few short weeks, we will stream our 1,000th episode! As we go beyond 1,000, I created a one minute to survey to help us learn more about how you access the Faith in the Morning devotional and newsletter. Can you fill out this quick survey for me? If you complete the survey, you will be entered into a special giveaway that is connected to our 1000th episode! Thank you for filling out the survey and helping us take Faith in the Morning into the future!

As I shared on Monday and Tuesday, mentalities must be developed. A mentality is a way of thinking that is developed by consistent reinforcement of thoughts, beliefs, and experiences. We need to develop a mentality or mindset that expects miracles and favor.

Bro. Tim emphasized a few things that I want to revisit today with you in today’s devotional. Your mindset is yours to set. If you are going to have a miracle mindset, you are going to have to renew your mind to expect miracles.

When describing miracles, Bro. Storey described some miracles as sovereign surprises. Let that phrase sink in. These are miracles you didn’t see coming, didn’t pray for, and didn’t work for. God has miraculous surprises for you because He is good, He loves you, and He has a plan for your life.

Remember, Psalm 77:14 declares that our God is the wonderworking God who demonstrates His power among people. God wants to demonstrate His power and goodness in your life. You must develop a mentality that expects miracles. God is not out of miracles because He is a miracle working God.

Pray this prayer with me today, “Father, I believe you are the miracle working God. I believe you do marvelous wonders and display your power on earth. Help me to expand my miracle mindset and position my life to live in your miracle flow. I thank you for sovereign surprises. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

Thank you for starting your day with Faith in the Morning. We love you and are praying for you. Have a miraculous day!

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Don’t forget to read through the Books of 1st and 2nd Corinthians with us this month! Today, read 2nd Corinthians chapter 1.

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